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Joining me for Episode #34 of “the My Favorite Mistake” podcast is Dr. Kelly Henry, a chiropractor who has owned clinics, but now helps others in his role as “The Customer Experience Doctor.” He is also author of the newly-released book Define and Deliver Exceptional Customer Service: Proven strategies to maximize your profits. The book is currently the #1 new release in the Amazon “customer relations” category.
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In the episode, Kelly talks about his “favorite mistake,” which was an underperforming chiropractic office in Phoenix. The business was “harder than he thought” and he reflects that he should have had coaches to help him. We talk about chiropractic schools don't really teach much about starting or running a practice (a problem that is common across various medical specialties).
Kelly was later very successful when he purchased an existing practice with a built-in patient base. He's learned a lot about improving the customer experience and customer retention over time, which he shares in his book.
We talk about why the employee experience and the customer experience go “hand in hand,” how a small bump in customer retention leads to a big bump in profit, and what healthcare organizations can do beyond surveying patients on their experience.
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Automated Transcript (May Contain Mistakes)
Mark Graban (1s):
Episode 34, Dr. Kelly Henry, The Customer Experience Doctor.
Dr. Kelly Henry (6s):
Okay. I made plenty of mistakes. That's one thing I like to tell my clients now is, you know, learn from my mistakes,
Mark Graban (17s):
I'm Mark Graban. This is My Favorite Mistake. In this podcast, you'll hear business leaders and other really interesting people talking about their favorite mistakes because we all make mistakes, but what matters is learning from our mistakes instead of repeating them over and over again. So this is the place for honest reflection and conversation, personal growth and professional success. Visit our website at You can find show notes, links, and more by going to And now on with the show.
Mark Graban (59s):
Hi, welcome to My Favorite Mistake. I'm Mark Graban, joined today by another Texan. He is Dr. Kelly Henry. He goes by, I think this is a great description, the “customer experience doctor.” And so we'll kind of unpack that a little bit and, and what that means. So he is a chiropractor. He has owned clinics, which I think has given him insight into running and growing a business and the importance of customer experience. So Kelly, thank you so much for being a guest. How are you?
Dr. Kelly Henry (1m 29s):
Hi, it's fantastic. Thanks for the opportunity to be on your show Mark. I appreciate it.
Mark Graban (1m 33s):
Yeah. So I think there's a, a lot of common interests and things we'll be able to talk about and a book that has recently been released. We'll talk about that more, but Kelly, if you want to give a mention of the title, please,
Dr. Kelly Henry (1m 48s):
Absolutely it's “Define and Deliver Exceptional Customer Service.”
Mark Graban (1m 53s):
We'll get we're we'll we'll hopefully deliver an exceptional podcast here today.
Dr. Kelly Henry (1m 59s):
That's my goal,
Mark Graban (1m 59s):
My goal too. So we've got good alignment there. So Kelly, as, as we normally, you know, talk about here, what, what, what's your story? What, what is your favorite mistake?
Dr. Kelly Henry (2m 11s):
Well, it goes back a while. I made plenty of mistakes. That's one thing I like to tell my clients now is, you know, learn from my mistakes. You know, that's a big deal. You know, it's easier to learn from somebody else's mistakes than to make them yourself saved your frustration, time and money. So learn from my mistakes. But when I first got out of school, graduated in 1998 here in Dallas from chiropractic school and decided to move my young family, my wife and our, our daughter, our only child at the time to Phoenix because that's where my wife and I thought we wanted to live. I grew up in Colorado. She grew up in New Mexico area, but we wanted to move to Phoenix. Didn't have any family there didn't have any friends there didn't know anything about business, knew how to be a chiropractor from the medical sense.
Dr. Kelly Henry (2m 57s):
Didn't know anything about business, went to Phoenix and thought I could just open my door, put my diploma on the wall and would be a giant success within just a few months. And you could imagine what happened there. It was quite a reality check, quite a slap in the face that it was a lot harder than I anticipated being. And it, it was a difficult time for us in, in many, in many respects, but like the premise of your podcasts. You know, you, you learn from your mistakes, you learn from these failures and you look back at them and see where it got you later on. And so I'm very appreciative of making that decision.
Dr. Kelly Henry (3m 39s):
I wasn't there very long, had an opportunity to buy a practice in New Mexico, where my wife was from later on and move that direction and, and move forward with being much, much more successful. But that was, that was a tough pill to swallow, to, to move to Phoenix and fail like we did.
Mark Graban (3m 56s):
And gosh, and I mean, this happens a lot. I mean, I've talked to people from different aspects of healthcare, dentists and others who tend to go and open a practice, a doctor of veterinary medicine. And, and there is that common reframe. Maybe you can elaborate on it of, of not really being taught how to, how to start a clinic, how to run a clinic, as opposed to, it seems like nowadays there are more options to get hired in as an employee somewhere, but what, what, what are some of your thoughts or reflections on, you know, that education, it taught you how to be a doctor of chiropractic medicine, but Y what are your thoughts on why that business aspect is so often left out of medical education?
Dr. Kelly Henry (4m 51s):
Well, the, the, the chiropractic school is, and I'm not fault them because they have requirements that they have to teach us and they have to give us information so we can pass our boards so we can even practice chiropractic. And there's a lot of classwork just in that regard. So for them to put anything as far as business, and it's pretty difficult. And from being a student, you know, we're jam packed with all kinds of classes anyway. So to throw, you know, extra business courses on top of that, you know, we'd be reluctant, reluctant, and, and probably not appreciate it like we should. So I'm not faulting them. I think the big mistake, like you mentioned is just having that idea that, you know, I've got the diploma.
Dr. Kelly Henry (5m 37s):
So that automatically makes me feel like I can start a business and run it when, you know, really you need to need to get help. And I didn't realize that the group of friends, I graduated chiropractor school with, we kind of had that mentality. Hey, we'll just, you know, we can, we can do this. No problem. When reality, you know, we should've got coaches or we should have been hired as associates and paid our dues and maybe not made a whole lot of money up front, but learned, learned, and get some experience to move forward with. And that's where, that's where I personally really missed the boat.
Mark Graban (6m 14s):
Has, has that somebody talking about learning from other people's mistakes, it sounds like are I should ask it instead of assuming mistake on my part here. D do you give that feedback to new graduates today of, of kind of sharing your story and helping them think through the options? Do you try to start a practice? Do you get hired in somewhere? Do you join a large, more corporate group, perhaps?
Dr. Kelly Henry (6m 40s):
Absolutely. Just, you know, to give them options and, and really shed some light on the reality of it that, you know, and, and, and I was the same way. So I can't point fingers at these new graduates, but, you know, most of them come out with, you know, it can't be that hard, you know, it's not that difficult to start a business. It, you know, it, it, it's not that big an issue. And, you know, I always say, well, you just, you just don't know enough to know what you don't know. Sure. And only, only experience and time. Well, we'll show you that, unfortunately. And that's where, you know, if I had somebody like myself as a mentor that stopped me and, you know, at the end of my chiropractic school and career and said, Hey, listen, here's what, you know, here's what you need to look at.
Dr. Kelly Henry (7m 23s):
And do, you know, I probably had the same resistance to them as well, but I try to, I try to bring that forward, Hey, listen, this is, this is what you should be doing. Or here's some options that may give you a better smoother road to success.
Mark Graban (7m 38s):
So what was Kelly, what was the turning point? So you, you talk about, you know, that, that experience in Phoenix that, that you described as a failure, what, what turned things around? Was it a matter of having a second chance and learning from initial mistakes? Because growing a group of practices, you know, it was, you know, not, not easy. And so what was the difference between that initial attempt and what you managed to grow and build later on?
Dr. Kelly Henry (8m 9s):
Well, the one huge positive I took away from being in Phoenix was I was in a clinic that had multiple chiropractors. We each had our own practice and there was a couple of three chiropractors that had been in practice for many years. And fortunately they really mentored me and gave me a, you know, the foundation of things to know, and understand and to move forward, to be more successful. So even though we struggled and it was hard for me to get patients and we made very little money and had to rely on family at times, having that knowledge from those chiropractors helped tremendously. I then had an opportunity from a doctor in New Mexico where my wife, his brother called me up.
Dr. Kelly Henry (8m 51s):
He knew, you know, knew about me. He didn't know I was struggling in Phoenix, but he said, Hey, listen, I'd like to buy your practice out. And fortunately, I was able to do that. And the only reason I was successful in doing that is because of the knowledge and the mentoring that I've gathered from the, the, the chiropractors in Phoenix. Yeah.
Mark Graban (9m 11s):
And, and was it a difference between starting a practice completely from scratch versus buying one that already had a custom?
Dr. Kelly Henry (9m 21s):
Exactly. And that, that was huge that, you know, I walked on the practice where, you know, maybe I was seeing four or five patients a week in Phoenix, new, I think my first week in, in New Mexico I saw 70 patients, so, Oh, wow. Yeah. Quite a, quite a change and a lot of weight off my shoulder as far as having some money coming in. Yeah.
Mark Graban (9m 42s):
So you, you kind of alluded, I was, I was going to ask was the challenge. You ha you, you answered the question. It sound like the challenge in Phoenix was gaining new patients. And then there's that question around retaining patients, you know, for, for ongoing treatment. Why, why does a patient stay with a provider versus switching how the, the, that comes down? I'm sure. In a great part, not just to the clinical care, but the customer experience. Right?
Dr. Kelly Henry (10m 17s):
Absolutely. And that, I kind of backed into that principle. When I, when I moved to New Mexico, the community where we lived in a smaller community, you know, stablish businesses that had been there for years and, you know, coming from Dallas, going to school and then leaving and going to Phoenix, you know, we, there are a lot of competition in these areas obviously. And so customer service seemed to be, you know, at least on the radar for most businesses. Well, again, these small business, small town, small community, many of these businesses, that wasn't something that they needed to do. They flipped on the lights and opened the doors and you had to do business with them. And it didn't take me long to realize that. And it's a really kind of resent that, and I hated how they made me feel.
Dr. Kelly Henry (11m 1s):
And so I decided very quickly that my office was going to be different. We were going to appreciate our patients and make them feel valued by doing business with me. And it wasn't because, you know, I thought of it as a way to retain business or to grow my business. It was just, you know, we wanna, we want to have this reputation. And then once we started doing that, I started hearing the patients say, we love coming in here and just, we love how we're being treated. And I noticed that we were keeping more patients and, and retaining than some of the patients from the other chiropractors were coming to see me because of my reputation. And, and that really piqued my interest into studying it more and implementing better practices as far as customer experience and, and really is what led me to this 20 year journey and where I'm at now, coaching and consulting them.
Mark Graban (11m 49s):
Yeah. Well, it seems like that is, you've mentioned there, it goes hand in hand, the experience that retains patients then leads to growth when those patients hear their friend or family member complaining, maybe about another clinic. And so, well here you should come see Dr. Kelly or somebody at one of his clinics. Let's see, let's see the, the, the, the, you know, kind of continuing returns from, as you put it, treating people the right way. What was an example of that, of something that was a differentiator, you know, w whether it was, you know, I'm trying to think through, from a patient in different settings, what could make a difference?
Mark Graban (12m 29s):
You know, the ease of scheduling an appointment, the way you're greeted, how long you're left, waiting in the waiting room. Like, what were some of the key differentiators for you in terms of that experience?
Dr. Kelly Henry (12m 42s):
Yeah. All of those were, were on my radar. The biggest one that I, I really was, it was very much, I felt a big diff the inter-rater. Can we say that anyways? It was that greeting that initial greeting, that first impression and make sure it's on point that soon as that patient walked in the door, you know, our focus was on, Hey, we are glad you're here. We're glad you're choosing us to be your provider and letting us take care of you and making those patients feel immediately welcomed in my business.
Dr. Kelly Henry (13m 25s):
And, and that, that stems from, again, the experience I had with some of the businesses there in the community where, you know, you got ignored, or they could care less, you were there, they felt like you were an inconvenience for going into their business. I didn't want that happening to my clinic. So let's immediately focus on, soon as that patient walks in the door, Hey, glad you're here. You know, we're going to be right with ya. Good to see you today, whatever the case may be, but make them feel important. Yeah.
Mark Graban (13m 50s):
Yeah. Yeah. W w w what would you say is the connection between I, you know, I work with health systems, there's often a lot of talk of kind of dual nature around a better employee experience and a better customer experience. What are your thoughts on those connections?
Dr. Kelly Henry (14m 10s):
They go hand in hand you, you, in that, that's one of the first principles that I teach my clients is you have to take care of your employees as well, if not better than you do your customers. It is ridiculous to think that you can treat your employees less than, you know, or value them less, and then expect them to turn around and treat and value your customers better than that. They need to know their value, the customer, the employee needs to know they're valued and important and special in that business. And then in turn, they can, as a direct result value and, and take care of the customers appropriately. Yeah.
Mark Graban (14m 49s):
Yeah. Cause I can imagine if the employees aren't being greeted well, when they walk in the door, how does that flow through to how patients are being green?
Dr. Kelly Henry (14m 59s):
Exactly. They it's, it's very difficult. They can put on a smile and they can try to, you know, walk through the actions and fake it till they make it. But it, it makes it more difficult. And to be perfectly honest, you know, calling, you know, points and bigger than me, there was a time in my practice where I, I did not do that very well. I had the mentality that my employees were liabilities, that they were there just to collect a paycheck and that I needed to be on top of everything. And it created a lot of resent resentment, and my service wasn't as good as it could have been. And one of my coaches called me on it and said, Hey, listen, you're, you're not doing the right thing. You need to look at your employees as assets and start treating them better and start looking at the, the vast majority of good they're doing instead of folks focused on it on the bad.
Dr. Kelly Henry (15m 42s):
And as soon as I made that shift, it was a, it was quite a game changer for my, for my practice and really the perception of our service.
Mark Graban (15m 53s):
Yeah. On your LinkedIn profile, I found this interest in Kelly, your, your summary of what you do. It says I help service-based businesses increase revenue 25 to 40% while spending less on marketing. So from what you've said, I'll ask you to elaborate on it. The connection it seems then is that providing a great customer experience is more effective and less expensive than more advertising, more flyers, more Google ads, things like that. Right.
Dr. Kelly Henry (16m 27s):
Exactly. You know, great customer service is the new marketing and what we find, what we see, what I deal with all the time, working with clients and prospective clients and, and doing presentations is businesses tend to be focused. Well, the premise of a business is to get customers, keep customers, and then make a profit. Very simplistic. Most businesses tend to want to focus on getting, getting customers and then just making profit and not necessarily keeping up. But when you keep on that's where exponential growth and profit really come from. And that's the basis of my programs. I call them the 5% bump programs. And that comes from a statistic from Harvard business school, that what they found out is if you'll just increase the retention customer retention, by at measly 5%, it can lead to a 25 to 95% increase in profits.
Dr. Kelly Henry (17m 23s):
And that we do that by including customer service, which creates better relationships, which creates loyalty, keeps those, those consumer buying or continue to, you know, work with your services, whatever the case may be. But that's the goal is to, to drive up that retention rate. Yes, you need the, you know, you need to advertise and still get new new customers in, but the key is really to keep them in. That's where the growth in profits come from. Yeah.
Mark Graban (17m 55s):
So what was your learning curve, Kelly, when you, you went from running, you know, getting better at running and building and sustaining practices to then going out there into a new type of practice as the customer experience, doctor being a coach or consultant, or I don't know what your preferred term is, but what was that learning curve like of, of learning how to help others and their businesses
Dr. Kelly Henry (18m 23s):
Pretty steep? Again, fortunately, I, you know, going back to, you know, my mistake was not getting help and, and jumping into a business that I knew nothing about, well, unfortunately I did have some idea of what I needed to do and I immediately got help. So that, that helped tremendously. But yeah, what a, what a difference from, you know, being with patients and taking care of them and running clinics them, you know, on that side of things too, being in front of computer and doing things digitally, it's, it's been quite a, quite a change. So, but it it's been good and now I can see both sides of, of the situation. So that's, you know, just adding to my knowledge base is how I look at it.
Dr. Kelly Henry (19m 4s):
Mark Graban (19m 4s):
And, and what are, when you, when you talk about helping service-based businesses, you know, the sort of like the, the first extensions would be from Kyra, going from chiropractic practices to say dental practices or ophthalmology practices, but then there's extension into, you know, I guess, you know, any, anything where, or customer services key. Can you talk about some of the clients that you work with and how you've kind of taken lessons into other types of service-based businesses?
Dr. Kelly Henry (19m 35s):
Absolutely. A physical therapist. I like working with them, love working with them. They, they have a very similar model to what I had the chiropractor chiropractors that, you know, they can be independent, you know, they can also work with other other entities, but they really have to kind of fight to build up their clientele and, and work that way too. So just like working with them because of that, that, that very similar attributes to what I dealt with. And when I deal with working with chiropractors insurance agents, a lot of the same thing, working with them, the thing though is, you know, really the bottom line is the principles of customer service really apply to, to any of these businesses.
Dr. Kelly Henry (20m 22s):
You know, it's all about getting customers, but yes, keeping those customers and how you make them feel, how you valued them on each and every opportunity you can when they're dealing with dealing with them. So that's the key components. So, you know, the chiropractors, the physical therapist, the insurance agents, the real estate agents, all of them, it, again, it's just driving that perception that you were there to help them to serve them and to make them feel when you're, when you're dealing with them. And that's the key component.
Mark Graban (20m 55s):
And is there a difference in, I didn't think of certain service sectors where there's this really ongoing relationship with a client or a customer as opposed to something that's sort of more, one-off transactional, I'm thinking of service industries. Like I got some amazing customer service from a custom bakery in the Dallas area late last year. It was, it was about to say big, important birthday for my mother-in-law. I'm not going to throw numbers around, but, you know, because of pandemic and, you know, we'd had a trip scheduled to go celebrate her birthday and we couldn't do that because of the pandemic.
Mark Graban (21m 39s):
So we found a place that could do that, or at least offer the promise of a very special cake. And boy, they, they came through with that, but there's probably limited opportunities for me to be loyal to that bakery as opposed to chiropractic where that, that is more of an ongoing relationship with, with a patient. Do you, do you tend to work with here? I'll give a shout out to that business. Cause this has maybe one they're called the London Baker. If you're looking for, it's not, not an advertisement. If you're in the Dallas area and Kelly or anyone else, if you want a custom cake, the London Baker went above and beyond.
Mark Graban (22m 21s):
It was an amazing cake and amazing experience, but sorry for that detour, but I'm trying to think of great customer service. I've gotten on something that's more of an ongoing relationship, whether it's a dentist or an eye doctor. Do, do you tend to work with the more relationship based businesses?
Dr. Kelly Henry (22m 38s):
I guess? No. You know, what I teach though, is when you're, when you're providing great service, whether it's a bakery or a chiropractic office, there there's two kinds of loyalty that you're building up. So you're building relationship and you're building that loyalty where you know, that customer would die before they go anywhere else. Okay. But if there's a longer relationship, so the Baker or a real estate agents, another one that, you know, there's, you know, you're not buying a house every other week. So if you build that relationship with the real estate agent, you know, the other part of loyalty is to refer others in and it's not controlled. You didn't, you know, they're not paying the Baker's not paying you.
Dr. Kelly Henry (23m 20s):
And so they give them a shout out. It's just because you have a fantastic, fantastic reason to give them a shout and up. And it's not that you're going to go buy anything room today, but you're happy to say, Hey, go, go see these people. So there's that loyalty of, yes, I'm going to keep buying from you regularly whenever I can. But it's also that loyalty of, Hey, you know, others need to go experience what I did, not only a great bakery, but they're just great people and they're gonna treat you very, very well. So yeah. Yeah. Realtors,
Mark Graban (23m 48s):
Yeah. That seems like a word of mouth referral. And, you know, with corporate relocations in and out of the Dallas area, there's one realtor that we've used a couple of times as we had a great experience with him and his team. And we're happy to, to come back. And I think just finally, you mentioned Phoenix, my wife and I lived in Phoenix, 2001 to 2005 and we had real looters there, Don and Linda TN who helped us buy it was our first home and they were great. And then we got relocated away from Phoenix and never moved back. One thing they do from an ongoing relationship standpoint, they send out a printed monthly newsletter, and there's some funny stuff in there.
Mark Graban (24m 33s):
And I remember, and they, they send it every single month. And as we've moved, they managed to find our new address and it still finds our home almost 20 years later. And at one point I sent them a note and I'm like, you know, Don and Linda, you don't have to keep, I enjoy reading it, but we're probably not going to buy a home again in Phoenix. You don't have to keep sending the newsletter. And they said, well, no. I mean, you never know, you might know somebody in Phoenix who wants to buy a house. And if I remember right, like they literally do no advertising other than this newsletter that they send to their clients. So I think that's just kind of an interesting case.
Dr. Kelly Henry (25m 10s):
Absolutely. And it's, you know, just keep it top of mind when, when you provide that great service and then you, those little touches, a newsletter, a postcard, that's, that's a lot. What I did in my practice was we didn't do a newsletter. We sent out postcards regularly, just, Hey, thinking of you, do, you know, you need to get back in here, you know, that type of thing. And when you leave, you know, when you're leaving a patient or customer on a good note, a positive note, and they see that, you know, may trigger. And as far as the chiropractic office to go back in or may trigger them to, Hey, you know, I do know somebody that's going to go there. Or, you know, even if you don't at the moment, at least it's back in the top of your mind.
Dr. Kelly Henry (25m 49s):
So that does go a long way
Mark Graban (25m 52s):
And good positive connections can stay in someone's mind for decades even, I guess,
Dr. Kelly Henry (25m 60s):
Decades and decades. Absolutely.
Mark Graban (26m 1s):
Yeah. So before we wrap up our guests again, our guest is Dr. Kelly Henry is the customer experience doctor, and he does work with a lot of different service based businesses. And let, let's talk a little bit more about the book, if you can remind us of the title and, you know, as an author, I always want to celebrate other authors. Cause I know this is a big undertaking, so congratulations on getting it published.
Dr. Kelly Henry (26m 23s):
Well, thank you. That's my first book. And so I'm very excited. So, you know, it's been that I've always wanted to write a book and finally have got it done. So name of the book is define and deliver exceptional customer service. And my philosophy in life is just simplicity. That's how I practice is break things down to the simplest terms. That's how I coach and consult. And that's how this book is simple philosophies, simple rules, simple actions that a business can take implement almost immediately and improve their customer service almost as quickly as they'll just take hold of it and be consistent with that.
Dr. Kelly Henry (27m 6s):
That's really the premise. So yeah, simple ideas, simple philosophy, simple actions that will create major results.
Mark Graban (27m 15s):
We'll get it. So deliver. Nope. Another mistake on my part C I, it was just flubs and slip ups and all the different universe of mistakes, not a favorite one, but I do this a lot. Sorry, define and deliver exceptional customer service. I had it right in front of me. So I grew up in the wrong and I still manage to get it wrong, define and deliver exceptional customer service. Dr. Kelly Henry, and the, the audience for this book, similar to your work service-based businesses, not just chiropractor.
Dr. Kelly Henry (27m 47s):
Exactly. Service-based brick and mortar, you know, online digital businesses as well. Principles will apply to them as well. And you can find the book and the website dot com or really anywhere you, you want to buy books. So Amazon Kindle audio book, any of those platforms. Okay.
Mark Graban (28m 6s):
I hope people will check that out. Maybe a final question. Do you have a favorite mistake from either the writing or the publishing process here?
Dr. Kelly Henry (28m 18s):
Yes, I, I should have. I had somebody else read the book for me on the audible side of things and I, I should have went ahead and done it over in my voice. The gentleman who did it, did a good job, but after I listened to it, I thought, you know what? I should have done it when I told people that somebody else did it. I, you know, I got a lot of why didn't you do it? So I wish I would've gone forward with that, but my next book, I will, I would definitely do the audit portion for it. So,
Mark Graban (28m 44s):
And why was that? Do you think you have a professional reading? It probably has some benefits, but did you feel like, you know, kind of your it's just didn't convey the way you would have?
Dr. Kelly Henry (28m 57s):
Yeah, exactly. So I, you know, emphasize certain points and when I listened to audio books, what one author in particular grant Cardone, if you know who he is, and I've read several of his books, one in particular, be obsessed and be average. And he always reads his book and he always interjects, you know, he'll read through it, but it will interject at certain points. And I feel like that's, that's something I could do too. So, but yeah, it just didn't come across as, quite as enthusiastic as, as I would've wanted it to. So, yeah.
Mark Graban (29m 25s):
All right. Well, thank you for sharing that lesson learned. I know some authors who've done the reading and that they've, I think grueling is the word that I've heard come to mind.
Dr. Kelly Henry (29m 37s):
But yeah, I think that's maybe the reason I initially didn't just, I was got at that point where it was overwhelming ways and let somebody else take that on for me, but, you know, once you get one under your belt, it gets a little easier.
Mark Graban (29m 52s):
Well, good. Well, so congratulations again. And it's a good sign when an author has done with the first and is already thinking about the next one that, well, that must mean you enjoyed it.
Dr. Kelly Henry (30m 2s):
I did. I'm looking forward to the next one, so,
Mark Graban (30m 5s):
Well, great. So again, we've been joined by Dr. Kelly Henry for your website. Is it doctor spelled out or Dr. Kelly?
Dr. Kelly Henry (30m 14s):
Yeah. Dr. Kelly So, and that's where you can find me on LinkedIn as well. Dr. Kelly and Marie, I believe Instagram's Dr. Kelly Henry. And then Facebook is Dr. Kelly Henry as well. So pretty you remember that you can, should be able to, should be able to locate me somewhere. Okay.
Mark Graban (30m 29s):
And I'll, I'll make sure that there's a link to the website in the show notes for listeners and viewers to go check that out. So Kelly, thank you so much for being a guest, it was really nice talking to you.
Dr. Kelly Henry (30m 39s):
Thank you, Mark.
Mark Graban (30m 43s):
Thanks for listening. I hope this podcast inspires you to pause and think about your own favorite mistake and how learning from mistakes shapes you personally and professionally. If you're a leader, what can you do to create a culture where it's safe for colleagues to talk openly about mistakes in the spirit of learning, please subscribe, rate, and review the podcast. Our website is See you next time.