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My guest for Episode #179 of the My Favorite Mistake podcast is Becky Margiotta. She is the author of the book, Impact with Integrity: Repairing the World Without Breaking Yourself, a cofounder and owner of The Billions Institute, LLC, and the host of the Unleashing Social Change Podcast.
In this episode, Becky tells her favorite mistake story about thinking she would get an “A” for effort when working toward a bold goal of getting 100,000 homeless people into homes. Why did she “lose track of the outcomes” and how did she adjust and get back on track?
We also talk about questions and topics including:
- What was the approach for reducing homelessness?
- Looking at measures more continuously along the way
- 100,00 lives campaign connection through IHI
- “Here’s what you’re doing wrong…” actually better ways to say it?
- Story about how people don’t want the answer…
- Leadership lessons from the Army and Special Operations that are transferrable?
- Outcomes focus? Commander’s intent? (McChrystal book)
- “Mission first, troops always”
- “First woman to command special operations…”
- Tell us about the Unleashing Social Change podcast
Scroll down to find:
- Video of the episode
- Quotes
- How to subscribe
- Full transcript
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