Thanks for letting me visit your health system! If you have any questions, feedback, or topics for further discussion, please feel free to contact me.
Here are my slides about “Lean Mindsets” from my session (PDF):
Articles & Links
Here is a blog post with a video of John Shook talking about the LEI “Lean Transformation Model”
Here is a video about the Park Nicollet Cancer Center:
Links to articles and ideas I mentioned:
- Toyota's corporate page about safety and health
- Alcoa's corporate page on safety
- Lean and “loving care”
- Lean as an Alternative to Mass Layoffs in Healthcare
- How lean management helped hospitals avoid layoffs
- Gary Passama (hospital CEO) blog post on shifting from the layoffs strategy
Masaaki Imai on Kaizen:
My blog:
You can download the first chapters of my books for free via these links: